Volume 7 No 4 (2009)
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On Two Quantum Approaches to Adaptive Mutations in Bacteria
Vasily Ogryzko
The phenomenon of adaptive mutations has been attracting attention of
biologists for several decades as challenging the basic premise of the Central
Dogma of Molecular Biology. Two approaches, based on the quantum theoretical
principles (QMAMs - Quantum Models of Adaptive Mutations) have been
proposed in order to explain this phenomenon. In the present work, they are
termed Q-cell and Q-genome approaches and are compared using ‘fluctuation
trapping’ mechanism as a general framework. Notions of R-error and D-error are
introduced, and it is argued that the ‘fluctuation trapping model’ can be
considered as a QMAM only if it employs a correlation between the R- and Derrors. It is shown that the model of McFadden & Al-Khalili (1999) cannot qualify
as a QMAM, as it corresponds to the 'D-error only' model. Further, the paper
compares how the Q-cell and Q-genome approaches can justify the R-D-error
correlation, focusing on the advantages of the Q-cell approach. The positive role
of environmentally induced decoherence (EID) on both steps of the adaptation
process in the framework of the Q-cell approach is emphasized. A starving
bacterial cell is proposed to be in an einselected state. The intracellular dynamics
in this state has a unitary character and is proposed to be interpreted as
‘exponential growth in imaginary time’, analogously to the commonly considered
‘diffusion’ interpretation of the Schrödinger equation. Addition of a substrate
leads to Wick rotation and a switch from ‘imaginary time’ reproduction to a ‘real
time’ reproduction regime. Due to the variations at the genomic level (such as
base tautomery), the starving cell has to be represented as a superposition of
different components, all ‘reproducing in imaginary time’. Any addition of a
selective substrate, allowing only one of these components to amplify, will cause
Wick rotation and amplification of this component, thus justifying the occurrence
of the R-D-error correlation. Further ramifications of the proposed ideas for
evolutionary theory are discussed.
Adaptive mutations, quantum mechanics, measurement, decoherence, Lamarck
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